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o ustvarjalki  Author

Eva Jurgec, akademska glasbenica oboistka, profesorica oboe, multiinstrumentalistka, skladateljica, raziskovalka različnih umetniških izražanj. Mirovanja so njej prvi solistični mulitmedijski projekt, v katerem se avtorica preizkuša kot ustvarjalka video vsebin, povezovalka le-teh v film, kot ustvarjalka glasbe za filmsko podobo ter improvizatorka na oboi. Projekt je sežetek njenih dolgoletnih glasbenih raziskovanj in življenjskih preučevanj. Njegova srž je v ideji umetnosti kot zdravilki družbe in človeka, kažipotu k sočloveku in samemu sebi. 

Eva ima dolgoletne izkušnje na področju orkestrske, komorne in solistične glasbe. Prejemnica študentske Prešernove nagrade, prejemnica Škerjančeve nagrade ter nagrajenka državnih glasbenih tekmovanj (I., II., III. nagrada TEMSIG), je kot solistka trikrat nastopila z orkestrom Akademije za glasbo. Sodelovala je z orkestrom Slovenske Policije – 1. solo oboa in orkestri Slovenske Filharmonije, RTV in Ljubljanske Opere, orkestra Nova, Savitra ter množico pihalnih godb. V teku študija se je intenzivno posvečala raznolikim komornim zasedbam (pihalni kvintet, pihalni trio, baročni kvartet, duo s harmoniko, duo s klavirjem itd.) in organizaciji koncertov teh zasedb. Nekaj časa je bila članica Simboličnega orkestra, ki velja za enega najzanimivejših slovenskih sodobnih glasbenih fenomenov in zasedbe JPD, ki je ustvarjala avtorsko inštrumentalno in vokalno glasbo.  igra v zasedbi  Autetno, projektu z izzivom avtentičnega igranja ljudske glasbe, v zadnjem času se posveča avtorskim projektom (koncert avtorske glasbe – projekt PIK) soustvarjanju prepleta različnih umetnosti - projekt SOMNUS (Avstralija – Fremantle Bienale), projekt MIROVANJA (multimedijska suita) ter različnim unikatnim pedagoško – andragoškim umetniškim projektom (Orkestrion – inkluzivni orkester, Kinobalonov koncert, Zvenobjem, Umetnost na svobodi, itd.).

Eva Jurgec, academic oboist musician, oboe professor, multi-instrumentalist, composer, researcher of various artistic expressions. Tranquilities is her first solo multimedia project, in which the author tests herself as a creator of video content, connecting them into a film, as a creator of music for a film image, and as an improviser on the oboe. The project is a summary of her many years of musical research and life studies. Its core lies in the idea of ​​art as a healer of society and man, a signpost to one's fellow man and oneself.

Eva has extended experience in the fields of orchestral and chamber music. A recipient of the Prešeren Award for students, of the Škerjanc Award and of accolades at national music competitions (1st, 2nd and 3rd prize at TEMSIG competition for young musicians), Jurgec gave three solo performances with the orchestra of the Ljubljana Music Academy. She has cooperated with the Slovenian Police Orchestra as the 1st solo oboist and with the orchestras of the Slovenian Philharmonics, public broadcaster RTV Slovenija, the Ljubljana Opera House, with the Nova Savitra orchestra and a number of brass orchestras. During her student years she was engaged strongly in various chamber ensembles (woodwind quintet, woodwind trio, baroque quartet, duo with accordion, duo with piano etc.) and in organising concerts with these ensembles. She was also a member of the Symbolic Orchestra, considered one of the most interesting musical phenomena in Slovenia in recent years, and of the JPD ensemble, which performed original instrumental and vocal music. She presently performs in Autetno, an ensemble aiming to perform folk music in an authentic manner, and has also been focusing of late on composing and performing original pieces, the examples including the PIK project and notably the SOMNUS project (Australia – November 2019). Jurgec is the head of music activities within the framework of Waldorf teacher training in Ljubljana and the founder and leader of Orkestrion project. 

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